37 research outputs found

    Coupled Atomic Wires in a Synthetic Magnetic Field

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    We propose and study systems of coupled atomic wires in a perpendicular synthetic magnetic field as a platform to realize exotic phases of quantum matter. This includes (fractional) quantum Hall states in arrays of many wires inspired by the pioneering work [Kane et al. PRL {\bf{88}}, 036401 (2002)], as well as Meissner phases and Vortex phases in double-wires. With one continuous and one discrete spatial dimension, the proposed setup naturally complements recently realized discrete counterparts, i.e. the Harper-Hofstadter model and the two leg flux ladder, respectively. We present both an in-depth theoretical study and a detailed experimental proposal to make the unique properties of the semi-continuous Harper-Hofstadter model accessible with cold atom experiments. For the minimal setup of a double-wire, we explore how a sub-wavelength spacing of the wires can be implemented. This construction increases the relevant energy scales by at least an order of magnitude compared to ordinary optical lattices, thus rendering subtle many-body phenomena such as Lifshitz transitions in Fermi gases observable in an experimentally realistic parameter regime. For arrays of many wires, we discuss the emergence of Chern bands with readily tunable flatness of the dispersion and show how fractional quantum Hall states can be stabilized in such systems. Using for the creation of optical potentials Laguerre-Gauss beams that carry orbital angular momentum, we detail how the coupled atomic wire setups can be realized in non-planar geometries such as cylinders, discs, and tori

    Numerical Computation of Dynamically Important Excited States of Many-Body Systems

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    We present an extension of the time-dependent Density Matrix Renormalization Group (t-DMRG), also known as Time Evolving Block Decimation algorithm (TEBD), allowing for the computation of dynamically important excited states of one-dimensional many-body systems. We show its practical use for analyzing the dynamical properties and excitations of the Bose-Hubbard model describing ultracold atoms loaded in an optical lattice from a Bose-Einstein condensate. This allows for a deeper understanding of nonadiabaticity in experimental realizations of insulating phases.Comment: Expanded version (12pp. 13 figures

    Dynamics of cold bosons in optical lattices: Effects of higher Bloch bands

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    The extended effective multiorbital Bose-Hubbard-type Hamiltonian which takes into account higher Bloch bands, is discussed for boson systems in optical lattices, with emphasis on dynamical properties, in relation with current experiments. It is shown that the renormalization of Hamiltonian parameters depends on the dimension of the problem studied. Therefore, mean field phase diagrams do not scale with the coordination number of the lattice. The effect of Hamiltonian parameters renormalization on the dynamics in reduced one-dimensional optical lattice potential is analyzed. We study both the quasi-adiabatic quench through the superfluid-Mott insulator transition and the absorption spectroscopy, that is energy absorption rate when the lattice depth is periodically modulated.Comment: 23 corrected interesting pages, no Higgs boson insid

    Acorn: A grid computing system for constraint based modeling and visualization of the genome scale metabolic reaction networks via a web interface

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    Constraint-based approaches facilitate the prediction of cellular metabolic capabilities, based, in turn on predictions of the repertoire of enzymes encoded in the genome. Recently, genome annotations have been used to reconstruct genome scale metabolic reaction networks for numerous species, including Homo sapiens, which allow simulations that provide valuable insights into topics, including predictions of gene essentiality of pathogens, interpretation of genetic polymorphism in metabolic disease syndromes and suggestions for novel approaches to microbial metabolic engineering. These constraint-based simulations are being integrated with the functional genomics portals, an activity that requires efficient implementation of the constraint-based simulations in the web-based environment

    Neuroevolutionary approach to COLREGs ship maneuvers

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    The paper describes the usage of neuroevolutionary method in collision avoidance of two power-driven vessels approaching each other regarding COLREGs rules. This may be also be seen as the ship handling system that simulates a learning process of a group of artificial helmsmen - autonomous control units, created with artificial neural networks. The helmsman observes an environment by its input signals and according to assigned CORLEGs rule, he calculates the values of required parameters of maneuvers (propellers rpm and rudder deflection) in a collision avoidance situation. In neuroevolution such units are treated as individuals in population of artificial neural networks, which through environmental sensing and evolutionary algorithms learn to perform given task safely and efficiently. The main task of this project is to evolve a population of helmsmen which is able to effectively implement chosen rule: crossing or overtaking

    Algorytmy szkolenia w czasie rzeczywistym w neuroewolucyjnym systemie wsparcia podejmowania decyzji nawigacyjnych

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    The paper presents the idea of using advanced machine learning algorithms to aid decision making in ship manoeuvring in real time. Evolutionary neural networks are used in this purpose. In the simulated model of manoeuvring ship a helmsman is treated as an individual in population of competitive helmsmen, which through environmental sensing and evolution processes learn how to navigate safely through restricted waters.Artykuł przedstawia koncepcję wykorzystania zaawansowanych algorytmów uczenia się maszyn dla wsparcia podejmowania decyzji manewrowania okrętem w czasie rzeczywistym. Do tego celu wykorzystywane są ewolucyjne sieci neuronowe. W symulowanym modelu manewrowania okrętem sternik jest traktowany jako jednostka w populacji konkurencyjnych sterników, którzy poprzez wyczuwanie środowiskowe i procesy ewolucyjne uczą się jak prowadzić nawigację bezpiecznie po ograniczonych akwenach

    Reinforcement Learning in Ship Handling

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    This paper presents the idea of using machine learning techniques to simulate and demonstrate learning behaviour in ship manoeuvring. Simulated model of ship is treated as an agent, which through environmental sensing learns itself to navigate through restricted waters selecting an optimum trajectory. Learning phase of the task is to observe current state and choose one of the available actions. The agent gets positive reward for reaching destination and negative reward for hitting an obstacle. Few reinforcement learning algorithms are considered. Experimental results based on simulation program are presented for different layouts of possible routes within restricted area

    Indirect encoding in neuroevolutionary ship handling

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    In this paper the author compares the efficiency of two encoding schemes for artificial intelligence methods used in the neuroevolutionary ship maneuvering system. This may be also be seen as the ship handling system that simulates a learning process of a group of artificial helmsmen - autonomous control units, created with an artificial neural network. The helmsman observes input signals derived form an enfironment and calculates the values of required parameters of the vessel maneuvering in confined waters. In neuroevolution such units are treated as individuals in population of artificial neural networks, which through environmental sensing and evolutionary algorithms learn to perform given task efficiently. The main task of this project is to evolve a population of helmsmen with indirect encoding and compare results of simulation with direct encoding method

    Ship steering support with the use of evolutionary neural networks

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    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję zastosowania ewolucyjnych sieci neuronowych we wspomaganiu procesów podejmowania decyzji podczas manewrowania statkiem na ograniczonym obszarze. Rozważane są wybrane algorytmy, operacje genetyczne, metody kodowania i selekcji oraz struktury ewolucyjnych sieci neuronowych.This paper describes a concept of evolutionary neural networks application in decision process support during vessel manoeuvring in a restricted area. Selected algorithms, genetic operations, methods of coding and selection, and structures of evolutionary neural networks are considered in the paper